3. Suggested Project Themes

Projects may be submitted on any aspect of Cork’s past. The Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project focuses on the creation of Cork City and its regions and asks questions such as who, what, where and why. Work submitted for this schools’ heritage project should demonstrate the physical, and or social, cultural or economic changes of Cork over past centuries. The theme for this year’s project is The Stories All Around Us, which is open to interpretation.

Creativity, colour, opinion and imagination should be used. Keeping in mind that only some library resources may be available due the ongoing pandemic Students should pick a straight-forward project and should try to work towards one of the suggested themes below:

  • A history of my favourite Cork place – people and place
  • 2km and 5km heritage trails
  • Suburban Cork – histories of a suburb or village
  • History of a particular building close or relevant to the school
  • Project on a local education institution, e.g. own school or college
  • Projects on community organisations e.g.s local GAA associations, scouts, parish associations
  • Now and then Project – changes in Cork society, e.g. the changes in fashion, transport (from cars, Cork railways to aeroplanes), Cork cinemas, theatres, housing over the past 100 years
  • Great Places in Cork City
  • Old Cork City Waterworks Experience project
  • The history and nature of Cork woodlands.
  • Famous Cork citizens
  • Women in Cork history
  • The story of my holiday location in County Cork
  • Emigration and Immigration from Cork
  • Cobh and Titanic, 100 years on
  • The story of my favourite Cork charity
  • Some histories along the River Lee Valley
  • Some histories in Cork Harbour
  • A River Lee trail along the North and South Channel
  • Old railway lines in Cork: A Corkonian’s guide
  • My family history
  • An oral history project -interviews with older people
  • Some of the Bridges of Cork: A local history guide
  • First Settlers: Time-travel guide to Monastic and Viking Cork
  • Medieval Cork: People and place
  • Music in Cork: Change and evolution
  • Voices of Cork: Poems and ballads
  • Medicine in Cork: Story of Cork’s hospitals
  • Cork’s architectural gems: Comparing and contrasting
  • A city of spires: Cork’s churches
  • A history of Cork playgrounds
  • Sporting Cork
  • The Great Famine in Cork
  • Cork City Gaol Heritage Centre
  • The Nano Nagle Place Centre
  • Views from above: e.g. Views from Shandon, Elizabeth Fort or County Hall or other building
  • Artistic Cork: Painters and writers
  • Engineering Cork: Engineers and architects
  • The Story of Fords
  • Fortress Cork: Castles and forts project
  • Fitzgerald’s Park: People and place
  • Urban Cemetery Project: People and memorials
  • Archaeology in my local area
  • Cork’s War of Independence 2020-21
  • Cork’s rebels: patriots or heroes?
  • Cork Martyred Lord Mayors