June 2021, “Baile na mBocht – Reconstructing Home and Community in Mid Nineteenth Century Blackrock, Cork”, Society for the Study of Nineteenth Century Ireland, University College Cork, Online, 24-25 June 2021.
October 2017, “Whose Public History is it? Challenges and Opportunities for Academia and Local Government”, The Ever Present Past, Colchester University, UK, 14 October 2017.
May 2017, “A River of Memory, Narrative, Landscape and Identity”, Geographical Society of Ireland Graduate Session, Conference of Irish Geographers, National University of Ireland, Cork, 4-5 May 2017.
October 2016, “Towards an Integrated Approach for Cultural Heritage: Dilemmas and Challenges within the European Union”, Making Ireland Research Theme, Institutions and Ireland, Public Cultures, Trinity College Dublin, 25 October 2016.
April 2014, “Constructing A Venice of the North: Maps, Society and Memory Building in Mid Eighteenth Century Cork”, Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland, Limerick, 4-5 April 2014.
February 2014, “Re-Making Ireland: Landscapes, Urbanism and Representations at the Cork International Exhibition, 1902”, The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group, Limerick, 31 January-2 February 2014.
February 2013, “A Venice of the North: Constructing Identity and Landscape in an Eighteenth Century Irish City”, The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group, Derry, 22-23 February 2013.
October 2012, “Local History: Memory, Identity and Practice”, History Teachers Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork, 20 October 2012.
September 2012, “Contesting Landscapes – Sacred Architecture and Memory in an Irish Pilgrimage Site”, Culture, Community and Architecture, Workshop: ‘The Architecture of Community’, Southampton Law School, University of Southampton, UK, 6 September 2012.
June 2012, “Rebuilding a Port City, Morphology and Agency in Early Eighteenth Century Cork”, Port City Lives, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 29-20 June 2012.
June 2012, “The Ruins of Identity: Space and Memory in a Fortified House, Inniscarra, County Cork, Ireland”, Space and Social Relations in Historical Perspective Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., 7 June 2012.
February 2012, “Rebuilding a Port City, Morphology and Agency in Early Eighteenth Century Cork”, The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group, Wexford, 3-5 February 2012.
September 2011, “In Search of Irishness, Ideology and Symbolism at the Cork International Exhibition, 1902″, Windows of Empire Conference, University of Bristol, Bristol, 15-16 September 2011.
September 2011, “Theatres of Memory, Performance and Landscape in an Irish Pilgrimage Site”,Backwards Glances: History, Imagination and Memory Conference, National University of Ireland, Cork, 31 August-1 September 2011.
April 2011, “Contesting Memories – Forging Place and Landscape in an Irish Pilgrimage Site”, Spaces Matters Conference, Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Manchester, 27 April 2011.
October 2010, “Contesting Landscapes – Sacredness and Memory in an Irish Pilgrimage Site”, postgraduate Conference in Historical Archaeology, The Centre for Historical Archaeology, University of Leicester, 9 October 2010.
August 2010, “What’s in a Ruin? Ruins & Identity in a Fortified House, Inniscarra, Co. Cork”, People, Places and Memory, Interdisciplinary Conference in the Moore Institute, NUI Galway in association with the Department of Archaeology, National University of Ireland, Galway.
February 2010, “The Ruins of Memory- Ruins and identity in a Fortified House, Inniscarra, Co. Cork”, The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group, Belfast.
November 2009, “The Ruins of Memory, Ruins and Identity in the Lee Valley, Co. Cork”, College of Arts Conference, National University of Ireland, Cork
April 2009, “Objects of Desire: Searching for Identity and Memory in the River Lee Valley, Co. Cork”, Anthropological Association of Ireland, Queen’s University, Belfast.
February 2009, “Objects of Desire: Nostalgic Currency or Archaeological Relics?” The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group, Sligo.
November 2008, “Memory and Identity in the River Lee Valley, Co. Cork”, College of Arts, National University of Ireland, Cork.
May 2008, “Interconnections: Geography, Landscape and Memory”, Conference of Irish Geographers, Liverpool.
September 2005: “Creating Spaces of Modernity, Cork and its Great Exhibitions, 1852-1903”, Locating Design Conference in association with Design History Society, London Metropolitan University.
May 2005: “Townscape, Power and Identity: Creating New Urbanities in Eighteenth Century Cork”, Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway.
September 2003: “Nineteenth Century Education and Liberation in Nineteenth Century Cork“; Critical Spaces in the Cityscape”, Geography Department, University of Plymouth, Exeter, England.
May 2004: “From Cork to Toronto: Politics, Education and the Hincks Legacy in the Nineteenth Century“, Irish Association for Canadian Studies, NUI Cork.
May 2004: “California Dreaming: Perspectives on Irish Emigrants in Late Nineteenth Century San Francisco, c.1850-c.1880”, “Conference of Irish Geographers”, NUI Maynooth.
February 2004: “Archaeological Relics or Symbols of Colonialism: Exploring the Architectural Heritage of the Urban Landscape of Cork (c.1600-c.1850)”, “The Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Group with the Society for Post Medieval Archaeology (UK)”, Derry.
May 2003: “Matters of Empire, Education and Useful Knowledge in Nineteenth Century Cork” The Royal Cork Institution (1803-1880), “Conference of Irish Geographers”, Trinity College Dublin.
October 2002: “Towards a Sense of Place: Local Studies – Education and Practice in the Cork Context” Critical Perspectives on Irelands’ Heritages: Consumption, Methods and Practice”, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.